S.W.A.M.P. Presents: Bobby Flan
Tuesday, February 28, 2017 | 7:00 - 9:00PMFor February’s episode of S.W.A.M.P. we welcome musician Bobby Flan.
Bobby Flan has released tapes on Primitive Languages (New York, NY.) and Acid Casualty Productions (Ft. Lauderdale, FL.). His next tape, The Club is a Concept, is coming out on the label 2100, in 2017. Overall, the project is primarily focused on the movement of people and poetic natures of sound.
Flan has performed at festivals, art institutions, and other spaces across North America, including PUFFERSS in Providence, RI, Savage Weekend in Chapel Hill, NC, the Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami, International Noise Conference, the Museum of Contemporary Art in North Miami, the planetarium of the Frost Museum of Science, and Metric Virus in San Luis Potosi, Mexico.
S.W.A.M.P (Sound Waves About Miami Podcast) is a monthly podcast that focuses on interviewing Miami musicians who are currently based in New York City. It provides a digital archive of the underground/alternative music scene that hails from Miami and its neighboring area and wishes to showcase its idiosyncratic identity within the US.