Human Drawing: Life Form
Lemeh42 & Abik

Performance and Drawing Installation
April 2014

Lemeh42 and Abik are collaborating for the first time on this unique project realized “a quattro mani”. Human Drawing: Live Form is a performative work focusing on the act of drawing. The artists’ personal approaches are strongly different. This wall drawing in NYC aims to be the common ground to determine a close analysis on the path of contemporary painting.



About the Artists
 was born in 1978, and lives and works in Trecastelli, Italy. Exhibitions include La Grande Illusione, Temple University, Rome, Italy (2013); No Man is an Island, Fishbowl Gallery, Dublino, Irlanda (2012); and Le Mystére de Hanina, Hanina Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israele (2012). Installations include Mirandola, One year after the earthquake, curated by E. Modena, Italy (2013); and Looking at the Stars, live drawing, Art White Night, Artefiera, Bologna, Italy (2013).


Abik began his career within the group he founded along with other young artists in the mid-nineties. In 2001 he moved to Florence, then he continued his education in Athens at the “NTUA – School of Architecture.”  His artistic research combines architecture, graphics and wall-painting. The study of the media (wall, canvas, paper, plastic, wood …) and the attention to the sign (in constant overlap) are the fundamental elements of his work.


In recent years he has participated to several events, including: Sixth Street (Florence 2006), Red Europe Week (Barcelona 2008), Private Flat 4.5 (Florence 2008), Icone (Modena 2009), Smoking Minds (Ancona 2010), Space and Communication (Athens 2011), and Art of/on Writing (Ancona, 2013). At the moment he lives and works between Florence and Ancona.