call for performances
Deadline: October 22, 2015
AC Institute, a non-profit art gallery in New York City, is now accepting submissions from New York City and tri-state area based performance artists for the 2015-2016 calendar year. Projects should emphasize public engagement and interaction. A wide range of themes and media are encouraged.
AC Institute is a lab and forum for experimentation. We support performers and projects that challenge conventional expectations of meaning, objectivity, and medium. We promote non-conformist performance based projects that engage with the viewer through the experimental use of sensorial tactics.
All entries must be original works.
Please submit the following to
∇450 word proposal
∇10 images (max) at 72 dpi or link to video documentation
∇Artist Statement
Be sure to include a link to your website. Please put “AC Institute Performance Submission” in the subject line.